Clearly, I’ve been slacking off on the blog. I guess I’ve become overly dependent on pictures and when I don’t have any to show, I feel un-prepared….a picture being worth a thousand words. Today I have some pictures from Thursdays figure class. I decided to focus on the head. I didn’t make any attempt to create a background with any narrative content…just to provide a space for the figure to exist in.
I started out with a pencil sketch that took about fifteen minutes then put a few colored washed over to establish the main themes of the light: Yellow for the light source, red for the figure and blue for the background. Themes that more or less remained true through to the end. This didn’t turn out to be a very good likeness, but I like the clean fresh quality of the colors. I sometimes go a bit muddy. Which is ok with me, usually. Here’s the finished
piece…on the left. Somewhat cropped on the top. On the right is Gerry Valerio setting the pose. Gerry has been running this group for quite a while. Probably ten years. I did the job for a number of years before that. Before me, Steve Perkins and Bill Wells before that. Somewhere way back in the early mists of time Moe DeLaitre did the job…I’m not sure, but I think she may have originated the class.