The Maryland House of Delegates along with Maryland Federation of Art put on a nice show of Maryland Artists at the Lowe House Office Building. The reception was tonight Feb 2. 2015 and I had a little trouble getting in because I had a tiny little pocket knife in my pocket and the building is protected by metal detectors and armed guards. After I worked that out I made it in to the show and enjoyed a fine display of varied work as well as some really first rate snacks
Shown here are two watercolors from my collection. A third which I submitted didn’t make it into the show, either because there was just enough room in the exhibition for a limited number of works, which is likely the case; or perhaps because the painting was of an undraped female form (upper torso from the rear). There were no nudes in the show. Here it is…the one that didn’t make it…for whatever reason:
Perhaps you could show the nude female form?
She is beautiful. Thank you or sharing her.