I used to spend a lot of time at one of our local parks, called Quiet Waters Park. It fit into my daily schedule back then, but in recent years I haven’t spent much time there. Today I went out to practice shooting video with my new camera. The videos were stunning, if I may say so. This DSLR really has it “going in.” So I’m thinking about making it part of my daily or weekly routine to spend time there shooting video and walking in the park. It was very cold today, I must say, I expect it will be that way for several months; so I guess I’ll have to remember to take my scarf and gloves when I go out. Here’s a still shot I took from the gazebo which I made my filming base of operations today.
Perhaps I’ll post some video when I get it processed. In other news, I have my box of supplies all packed up and ready to ship to Australia. 12 lbs 12x12x12 inches and $98 not counting insurance. Delivered in 3-6 days. Not bad, I don’t think.