Despite the pun begging to be expressed, the annual MFA board retreat wasn’t the least bit boring. It helps that I like all these people, but it wasn’t a party. It was a assessment and planning session to evaluate how well we met last years goals and what our goals for 2011 might be, including a fairly detailed look at our finances. Our facilitator did a great job and we were done an hour and a half early. Everyone stayed on track, and as usual there was not any bickering or ridiculous pointless rants. Just another example of why I like being on that board.
I got home in time to have dinner, watch a few episodes of a BBC series called State of Play on which the movie with Russel Crowe and Ben Affleck was based, as well as get a little time in on defining some of the planes on one of my little plaster head models. As noted previously, I’ve been giving this some research, and I’ve decided I need to make my own “head of the plane” model. Next stage: File, shave, sand, and carve out these areas into flat surface and see how it looks. If it still looks vaguely like the original (based on a young woman named Linda) I’ll be happy and surprised. I hope I don’t have to go out and buy more tools. Lately the only tools I really enjoy buying are camera lenses, tripods, digital monitors and the like. I have so many other art tools, the thrill of owning them as objects is pretty much gone. They are just tools. I was looking at one of my watercolor brushes recently and remembering that I paid $40 dollars for it back in 1979. That was about as painful for me then as spending $1000 would be today. And I dropped it crossing a street in San Francisco about a week after I bought it. It got run over by a car and the metal ferule was crushed. I spent hours painstakingly repairing it, wrapping the ferule in sailmaker’s dacron thread, and coating the thread with several layers of varnish. The Brush is still in use today, working fine, and the repair is holding. Works out to about $1.30 per year for one brush.
I’m hoping to get out today for a little photo shoot, around downtown with local web designer and photographer Tom Boddorff. Aloha ya’ll.
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