Lots of nice things under the tree. Bacon and eggs for breakfast with marmalade on the toast and good strong fresh ground coffee. Some actual snow drifting down from the sky. Might as well try to stick in our Mele Kalikimaka video from last year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7icszdJ5zAg. I’m hoping to use this blog for daily musings about being an artist. I got a nice little watercolor set for christmas with a bound book of 80 lb. paper (don’t know the brand, but it seems nice) and a very clever set of colors in a plastic palette which has a brush with a built in reservoir. I already lots of painting supplies, but this little rig is so nice…I’m sure I’ll use it. Also got a book of interviews and whatnot between Alfred Hitchcock and Francois Truffaut. The filmic artist in me is very happy about that. So Merry Christmas to you…whoever you are. And looking forward to a happy and prosperous new year.
Daily Archives: December 25, 2010
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