Here’s another sequence of watercolors from last night. This one is half the size I’ve been working lately…quarter sheet rather than half. 11 x 15. I worked sitting down for a change.
So here are the first two stages: After 40 minutes (on the Left) and after 60 minutes on the right. The model of course wasn’t at the beach. He was in a room lit by one little lamp, sitting on a bench, leaning against a wall with a sheet tacked up as a sort of backdrop. Most people are just happy to draw the figure and leave the environment alone; but I’m trying to do a whole painting, using the whole area of the paper, and the wall is just too boring to attempt. And I really enjoy making up environments for the model. I usually do the environments while the model is on break, so that way I can work pretty much a straight three hours.
The picture on the right is actually not the final picture, bu I neglected to take a final picture. The main difference is that I took out that stick looking thing coming out the back of whatever that thing is he’s sitting on…a chair, I guess. Maybe I’ll post the finished one another time… And of course the picture on the left is of my watercolor palette and my little art box which I made about ten years ago, using some walnut wood I inherited from my dad. It was originally a big conference table at a bank and I’m not sure how my father got it but somewhere along the way, he gave it all to me. I’ve built several desks with it in my house and the smaller pieces have ben used in various small projects, such as this box. I think I have one board left about eight inches by six feet long.